Valenti's Barber Shop & Computer Repair
est. 1979

A Proud Three-Generation Business
Hi, my name is Joseph F. Valenti, owner/operator of Valenti’s Barber Shop & Computer Repair. I am proud to have continued a family tradition throughout the years. I have included a short history of my family and Valenti’s Barber Shop & Computer Repair. I hope you enjoy it.
Around 1939 Vince Valenti, my grandfather, decided to change his profession from tailor to barber. He opened a 4 chair barber shop located at 409 E. Wells Street in downtown Milwaukee. It was a family run business. Vince and his three sons, Joe, Ted, and Amodeo (Dee)-my father-charged 25¢ for haircuts. The shop was known for the lemon tree growing in the window. The Milwaukee Journal photographed the Valenti lemon tree for their newspaper. At the start of World War II, my grandfather found himself running the shop alone. My father and his two brothers had been drafted into the service. Upon returning from the war my Uncle Joe went off on his own to establish a different business and my father and his brother Ted rejoined the family barbershop.
When Grandpa Vince retired, Uncle Ted opened a barbershop and Dee (my father) went to work at Ray's Barber Shop located on 11th and Oklahoma Ave. Here he was known for his 5-minute haircuts that cost a dollar. My father opened his own barbershop on sixth and Becher, which he called Dee's Barber Shop in 1956. His slogan was, " 5 CHAIRS NO WAITING." My father's next move was to the corner of 16th and Mitchell Street. In 1970 he decided to expand his knowledge and took a course in hair styling at the Milwaukee Area Technical College Barbering School. His colleagues thought this was ridiculous. My father's plan was to incorporate styles and haircuts for men and women into his business, which was unheard of in a barber shop.
The early '70s brought a trend toward long hair so my father (Amodeo Valenti) had an idea to capitalize on this. Thus came the motto, "WEAR IT LONG BUT LET US SHAPE IT". By targeting a new clientele he did so well that in 1972 he bought a building two doors down, expanded his business, and changed the name to Dee Valenti's Barber Stylist.
In 1979, I went to barber school and joined my brother Vince and my father in the family business. Upon my father's retirement in 1983, I purchased the business and renamed it Valenti's Hair Studio. In 1992 the salon was completely remodeled and Valenti's Hair Studio & Tanning was born. For years I had a dream of someday moving to the North Woods of Wisconsin. My brother Dee would go up to Crandon, Wisconsin, where his wife's family had a summer home. And In 1998 my Sister Debbie and her husband bought a home on Bishop Lake, in the town of Mole Lake, Wisconsin. I would visit them twice a year and stayed at either my sister's or brother's place. I had my own dream of someday moving to northern Wisconsin, and opening a Barber and Computer shop.
As of February 27th, 2004 after 26 years, I sold my Hair Studio in Milwaukee Wisconsin and now own an old fashioned Barber shop & Computer Repair business in the town of Wabeno, Wisconsin and live on Bishop Lake, in the town of Mole Lake, Wisconsin.
As you have seen from our web page, we offer Hair Cutting, and Hair Styling, quality products, Computer Repair, and exceptional customer care and plenty of hot coffee. I will continue the family business today and take pride in our integrity. From my grandfather to my father to my brother Vince and myself, we have had a proud three generations of over fifty years in the hair care business and catering to our client's needs. This business is a blessing to me and has always been good to me and my family. I want to thank you for taking the time to stop by our web page. It was my pleasure to share with you the history of Valenti’s.
Sincerely, Joseph F. Valenti